I dont have too much time this week because i got a lot of emails but ill just tell yall real quick how my week was and what happened.. umm so the districts changed last week and so now i have two more missionaries in my district.. so thats ok but one of them is a missionary that is kind of annoying so i wasnt too excited about that.. umm we talked to rogel and he wants to get married to his wife.. that was really exciting and hopefully we will meet with him soon and start the search for his papers and hopefully they shouldnt be too hard or expensive find.. its been really hot down here recently and i am super tired..
i have 16 months now and walking all day up and down hills gets to you after a while.. but yeah last week i did a baptismal interview for the zls here in coban.. it was cool because that was the first one i have done and i dunno it was cool to be able to help see if somebody was worthy to get baptized and do a convenant with God.. he passed and was baptized on sat so that was cool.. last week we had an ok week.. alot of the investigators we had in church we couldnt visit because they went out of townt this week.. that was kind of a downer.. we had a new fam come to church though on sunday and they want to get baptized but.. they arent married and the husband is still married to another lady so its going to be forever till we could get that all done.. divorce and marriage.. i just love that about guat how nobody gets married.. just the members of the church.. today i ate a donut and then i was about to eat the other one and i realized in the hole part there was a spider web.. it was pretty nasty.. so in sac meeting yesterday we had 6 investigators then after 4 more came.. they all liked it and are getting involved in the relief society activities and hopefully will come to the fathers day activity this friday.. speaking of happy fathers day dad.. thanks for all that you do for me..here is a pic of me and a sub.. me and rogel and his wife. me and my destroyed shoes in the rain where we got completely soaked.. and me at the activity we had last sat.. we had 13 invest. go and they all liked it a lot and better understood the Joseph smith story.. anyway i dont have too much time left but thanks for yalls emails..
elder hatch
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