Friday, November 19, 2010
Nov 15, 2010
Hey whats up!Well i hope everyone is doing well and getting ready for thanksgiving.. its pretty crazy how fast time is flying.. we are already half way through nov.. and then december christmas and the year is over.. i am doing well and the work is going really well in canalitos.. my comp got a change and was sent to the office.. thatll be good so he can get completely better.. also elder vasquez who was my last comp in colombia went up to zone leader and got sent back to polochic.. that was cool that he got to go back there and that he is doing alot better.. now i am with elder duran.. he is really cool and we work really well together.. he has 10 months and is from el salvador.. he speaks english so we speak spainglish all the time.. its pretty fun and we put four baptismal dates last week.. but all of them are for the first day of next year.. they are the fam. toledo and mynor and luis.. they all should hopefully go through.. we just need a lot of time cause the fam toledo has to get married and mynor and luis cause they are only 16 have to go to church 7 times each and we need to get permission from there parents to do the baptism.. we are working full time though and this change should be a good one.. melanie the other investigator that we have says she wants to wait till next year to be baptized but she can get baptized this change if she would just change her mind about the date.. she has changed alot and her gma was telling us how she used to always just be in the street and into stuff she shouldnt be in but now she is going to church and all the time before us she hadnt talked to the missionaries at all but finally she accepted us and will get baptized soon hopefully.. if yall would keep them in your prayers that would be awesome.. i was reading in the bomthe other day and figured out why members give us food.. in alma 8 20 it says that somebody who gave food to i dont remember who is was would be blessed because he was a prophet or missionary and yeah.. i kind of failed with that cause i dont remember all the details but yall can look it up and figure it out.. we have found a lot of news recently and have actually had good luck contacting.. its alot more fun working then being with a sick comp or being sick.. my comp has been to the states before too to visit fam so i can relate better with him then with some of the other lats and his fam is maybe gonna be moving there soon.. well yeah i dont know what else to say the work is going well.. i dont have arrigamortis anymore and am feeling alot better.. that was honestly the worst i have ever felt in my life.. i wish i would have had more time cause i could have put more details in it and it would have been better but yeah i doing well.. mom and dad thanks for the emails and sorry i didnt respond to eachone but i am glad yall are doing well and mom that you are feeling better and that will be weird how they split the wards.. umm i had never known before that after dogs did it they got stuck together.. i saw that for the first time down here and it was pretty disturbing.. umm anyway i am doing well and working hard.. today i owned in dodgeball and dad i pulled a trick that you taguht me.. where you throw a ball up and softly so the other person looks at it and tries to catch it.. then you peg em with another ball.. it worked pretty well and everyone thought it was pretty funny.. well i will send more pics next week.. i dont have time this week.. well i got to go but i love yall and thanks always for the support and emails and cards and packages yall send me.. well i know this church is true and its great to be able to serve and a mission and teach others of Christ.. i am trying to be a better missionary everyday and trying to learn more about this gospel so i can better share it with everyone.. i know this church is true and keep pressing forward.. love yall a ton,Elder Hatch
Nov 8, 2010
Fam!,Well i dont have much time to write because my computer wasnt working for a bit and i had to change.. but tonight i will send the pics from a members house cause i am not gonna have time to do it right now.. but i am doing good and another change is almost over.. we find out who has changes tonight but i am pretty sure i am staying in canalitos and i have a feeling that my comp is too.. but i dunno and we will see tonight.. umm for the day of the dead we went to the cemetary and were going to paint a toombstone but we didnt.. it was fun and yall will like the pics i will send in th night.. also i have an arrigamortis story that will top all the other ones in our family.. so we were walking up in our area far from our house and my stomach starting bothering me.. luckily we made it to a members house and i use the bathroom in their outhouse on a cement toilet seat with no tp and the seat was cold and wet.. then we taught them and they fed us chicken that one of their kids brought in in a bag then water that might not have been pure.. i ate and drank though and we left.. i starting feeling terrible and we were a long way from the house and i was freezing cold cause its been really cold here recently.. to the point of wearing my sweater.. anyway i told my comp i couldnt make it to the house but then i felt better.. but then again i was about to explode.. i was like is there a little alleyway close to here.. there was and it was dark so i went running down this alleyway.. then i squated against a cement wall in the dark with dogs barking by someones house and had arrigamortis.. it was crappy.. my stomach hurt soooo bad.. my comp thought i was crazy but really i couldnt hold it in.. later we got home and i had more arrigamortis and threw up a billion times all throughout the night.. it was the worst night i have ever had in my LIFE!!! i didnt sleep and spent more time in the bathroom then in my bed.. what a blessing to get arrigamortis in guatemala.. haha umm yeah mom i got the package and everyone has been enjoying the candy.. thanks for the little part you sent specifically to my comp too.. that was really cool and it made him feel good.. and mom i am pretty sure you do have a spot reserved for you in heaven.. Haha umm we found a new family this week and little by little the work is getting better and our teaching pool is getting bigger.. last week i was pretty discouraged but things are finally coming around.. also at church this week we had two less actives come that weve been working with and two youth that weve been working with.. in church this sunday i lead the hymns so that was exciting.. alot of people have been sick so i got stuck doing it.. but tonight ill send pics.. i love yall a lot and thanks for the support as always and your in my,Elder Hatch
Nov 1, 2010
Hey Family!Well we are into november now.. the time is flying... and i bought a card reader so now i will be able to send pictures without a problem for the rest of my mission hopefully.. anyway last email i was kind of rushed so i wasnt super clear but the spider i saw was the size of the palm of my hand and all hairy.. it was pretty legit.. also i said its really neat how the bible talks so much about the restauration of the gospel the great appostasy and about the book of mormon.. it doesnt help though cause the people here are hard and dont want to listen most of the time and only the spirit and testify that the things we teach are true.. but i just never realized how many scriptures there are about those things in the bible and then the bom too goes hand in hand with everything the bible says.. its just a little easier to understand.. also i was wondering if matt graham had gotten his mission call and if tyler white ended up going on a mission or how he is doing?
well halloween here is today and its called the day of the dead.. after we finish here we are going to the cemetary with a family here in canalitos and we are going to paint and decorate a tomb looking think of the grandma that died..
they decorate with flowers and both plastic and real ones then the also paint and clean up the toombs or however the heck you spell it.. well the one pic is of a service project we did moving dirt for a family with our zone.. another is me and the typical guat food of beans eggs and longanizas.. or sausage things.. and corn tortillas.. with my guat flag i bought..
the burn i got from being really smart with beans.. me and the guajardos.. mom and dad you should look them up somehow and email them that you got the pic.. i was suppose to send it to them but i lost the card they gave me.. well the other day we got a jalon with the police cause the buses were too full.. the police dont do crap here but ateast they gave us a ride home in their little cop bus thing.. it was pretty tight and it was for free.. a lot of the little kids here always tell me to do tricks..
cause i guess alot of the missionaries have done tricks for them before.. so i always juggle for them with rocks in the street.. they think its pretty cool and i have gotten pretty good with for rocks balls or whatever now.. umm we got two news last week.. they are both 16 year old boys.. they are pretty cool and we have another appointment with them this sat.. hopefull we can get em to church and get them to have a baptismal date.. haha all the latinos say i am weird cause i am not like all the white people.. i dont play a musical instrument like the rest of them.. i dont do computer stuff i didnt play video games and all i did was sports... but i take pride in being different! haha but yeah mom and britt i sent yall letters last week so hopefully youll get them sometime this month.. this lady gave us a warm green drink with floaty stuff in it the other day.. i drank it all but even my comp thought it was nasty and didnt finish it.. it was siiiiccckkkk!! i thought i was gonna gag.. but didnt.. i am getting better and a lot less picky.. umm and just to say something about the fast i did last week.. we all know that fasting helps with spiritual things and if we have faith miracles can happen.. but also it helps with your body.. like i said in the last email my stomach was messed up.. but after i fast 24 hours i have been good ever since.. its pretty amazing.. well i dont have too much more time or anything else to say but if yall could please pray for melanie.. hna or sis lidia morales.. and the family toledo... those are the people that hopefullly will be baptized next change.. well i love yall and thanks for the support yall always give me.. but all the emails i got this week was just one from dad and so if yall have time please email me.. well yall have a good week and ill write back and send more pics in a week!! love yallElder Hatch
Oct 27
i showered with a bowl with cold water and didnt have shaving cream.. it was crappy.. but thats the life of a missionary here in guatemala.. haha umm also i have studied alot in my time in the house and its cool how the bible talks so much about the restauration and if people would just listen and cause they all say they read the bible theyd know that the book of mormon is true that joseph smith was a prophet and that the church is true..well i saw a huge spider the other day and it was cool but i couldnt catch it.. umm ahh my time is almost out.. we did service the other day and it was super tiring but the lady thanked us and almost cried so it was definately worth it.. well my camera and pics maybe next week love yall and ill write monday!!Elder hatch
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
October 18, 2010
Dear Family,Hey well i wont have too much to say this week cause we were in the hospital until sunday in the afternoon.. it was super crappy and i was about to go crazy from being stuck in there for soooo long.. but we are out now but my comp has to rest for a week now then we have another appointment with the doctor to see whats up.. but yeah is wasnt fun..
but l forgot to tell yall last week but i had a moment on tues where dad would have told me.. lets use our head for something other then just carrying hair... so anyway if you are gonna cook something in a can like bean are something that is packed tight you can poke a hole in the bottom then open the top, blow and all the stuff comes out without having to use a spoon. anyway i tried to show this other elder the trick.. but i couldnt get a whole in it.. so about two minutes after i had put the oil in the pan i got it.. but the beans fell in the hot oil and it splashed on my arm and it hurt really bad..
it was the smartest thing ive done in my life but i have a pretty cool purple burn mark on my arm now.. i have a pic of it but my this computers are some retardes and wont read my card so i can send pics.. anyway so some of the highlights of last week were eating at mcds three times and hearing the first country song ive heard down here in guat.. then showering in nice showers.. it was crappy though and i had a headache almost the whole time cause when i sit around and dont do anything am in the same room for forever my head hurts.. so it was not a fun week.. also the guy we were gonna baptize is not excited anymore and hasnt come to church.. its crappy cause its hard to find him and we have been in the hospital.. i still dont know my area and the pool of investigators is not good cause we have worked about 6 days this whole change. its hard and cause elder bravo got appendicitis fri night and i used to live with him so i went with his comp back to colombia.. my first area and now the family we found last change are gonna get baptized and also three teenagers i found my third changed and this other kid.. its hard to know that they are doing so well there and that i helped find and teach them and then here i dont have anything.. and if my comp leaves i will practicall have to open up this area cause i still havent been to the far away parts and i dont know the members houses well or the less actives and definitely not the investigadores cause all we have is about 4 or 5 right now.. but we are gonna do divisions this week so i can work here in my area and hopefully get things started again.. hopefully my comp doesnt get sick again or them might send him home.. especially cause they still dont know why he got sick the first or second time.. but yeah.. i bought 12 new ties for in dollars would be about 60 cents a tie.. they are pretty cool and now i have 50.. it was one of the more exciting parts of my week.. haha umm and we raced beds in the hospital to see whose could raise the fastest and the food was pretty good too.. also all the old nasty nurses liked to mess with me cause i am white.. but they did say i speak pretty good spanish so that made me feel good.. umm what else.. a doctor who spoke english and is from here knew about blinn when i told him i was from cstat.. that was kind of weird.. happy bday mom you have almost reached 61 years.. haha and i made a card in the hospital but i have to develop a pic so i havent sent it yet.. well i dont know what else.. i am doing good.. my stomach hurts right now though.. ughh dang guat food.. haha but yeah i wish i could send pics cause i havent for a while and i have some good ones but yall will just have to wait a bit i guess..
well i know this work is really important and that i am suppose to be here in guatemala and its really cool to be a missionary and have everybody look up to you and look to you for help.. i know that this church is true and Jesus Christ is at the head of it and directs it.. i have learned so much during my first eight months out here and am excited to learn more.. thanks for all yalls support and i love yall a ton. keep praying for me and my comp and i praying for yall too.. everyday..well ill write next week but not until weds cause we are going to the temple!! well love yall
October 12, 2010
Hey fam.. I dont have much time to write today cause i recieved a lot of emails.. i didnt write yesterday cause i was in the hosital with my companion.. the same thing that happened last change to him happened again.. so we went to the hospital sat night and i was there until yest afternoon.. its an infection and they dont know what the cause of it is though.. please pray for him though and that he will be able to get better soon.. he should be coming home tomorrow hopefully and another elder is with him right now cause we had zone conference today and president wanted me to come.. but i will be going back with him tomorrow if he is still there.. its crappy in the hospital.. i can study but i cant focus for that long of a time and being in one room the whole day i was about to go crazy... well mom and dad my shoes the rockports have about had it.. there is no grip on the bottom of them so i need to buy new ones or have yall send me some nice once from the states.. the bottom has gotten really thin and the insides of them are messed up now too from getting wet soo many times so let me know if yall want to buy me some or if i should just buy some from down here.. we put a baptismal date with the guy last week and he is gonna get married and baptized the first week in november.. its exciting but i dont really know him or anyone too well yet just i worked about a week then went tot he hospital again with m y comp.. i didnt tell yall but last change conf. elder karrs parents were there to pick him up and so i got to translate for them all the testimonies of the elders that were going home.. it was pretty cool to do that.. we had been knocking doors like crazy trying to find investigadores and last week we found 7 news and two families.. but we werent able to go to our return appt cause we were in the hospital.. also we had a fhe last night with a bunch of ward members and the investigator whose mom is a member and it was really cool and if we can get her going to church maybe we can put a baptismal date with her! we also had interviews last week and they went really well.. i felt appreciated by president so that was good and yeah umm... the house here is hard with just two of us.. its kind of boring but better for studying.. it has been COLD here recently and i have wanted to wear a jacket in the night.. i didnt think it got like that in guat but it does.. well i have 8 months now in the mission.. the time is going fast now and its getting easier with the language and everything but i still need to do a lot stuff better to be a better missionary and servant of God.. i got to shower in the hospital in bare feet for the first time in 8 mnths so that was pretty cool and it was the cleanest i felt since i was in the mtc.. it was like a nice hotel.. but super boring.. anyway i cant get my pics to work but i am doing well down here.. thanks for all the emails and support and ill try and figure out the pic thing.. mom and dad the guajardos were there today and i took a pic with them but cant send it cause this computer is dumb.. welll my hour is almost up but i love yall and am praying for yall!! take careLove,Elder Hatch
October 4, 2010
Hey Family,Well as i though i had a change and now i am in a different zone.. atlantico and a different area Canalitos 1.. i am still in the capital technically but my area isnt like it was in colombia.. its a lot cooler here and it even gets cold.. i am only about 20 min. from my last area but i am up in the mountains and its really pretty here and green.. there are still businesses and stores and stuff but its different and there are a ton of trees and dirt-mud roads here.. i havent seen all of the area yet cause its really big and my new comp elder meza had troubles with his leg last change.. he is from honduras and i am his second trainer.. he only worked about two weeks last change so i will have to teach him a lot and we will have to find a lot of investigators and members cause he doesnt know the area too well.. itll be hard but we will do it. he is almost back to 100 percent though so we should be working at a normal pace pretty soon.. well back in colombia the last lesson i taught was with the new family that we found through a reference.. it was tight and it was awesome to see how prepared they were to recieve the gospel.. one of there best friends is a member and then they just had a new baby and they both want the best for him so they are looking to start going to church.. but they told me not just to go for the heck of it but they want to be completely dedicated to it.. they dont have any problems with the word of wisdom or anything and they are already married unlike everyone else here in guat.. it was really cool to find them and they should be baptized this change.. but wont be there. .but thats ok.. we have a few people here that we just need to teach and help them gain there own testimony and they should be able to be baptized this change.. atleast one guy and then maybe another lady too.. we will see though what else cause we havent really been able to work fully yet..two ladys cried when i left colombia.. it was sad but cool to see that i meant so much to them.. i left a bunch of pictures back there with my info on them so they can email me when they want.. our house here has two rooms and the sink is outside and it rains all the time.. its not too dirty and we are gonna clean it up somemore today after this.. we have water somedays and somedays no.. just depends on when it comes.. the first day i had to shower with a bucket and bowl of water.. it was freezing cold.. but now the shower head works so long as we have water but if not.. i heat a bucket of water on the stove and pour it in the cold water so its about luke warm.. in other words be thankful for showers and warm water.. haha just kidding but it does make me appreciate life back in the states!! well i am learning how to cook now and thats good and be more self sufficient cause there are just two of us in the house even though other missionaries live right next door.. we have 4 miss in the ward cause the area is so big.. i liked conference a lot especially Pres Uctdorfs talk sat morning about how we need to slow down our lives and get back down to the basics and the most important things in life.. i though our family could use that a lot cause we are busy bees for the most part and always like to be running around and doing stuff.. sometimes though we need to realize the most important things for ourselves and especially for our children.. we need to make time to do things as a family.. just simple things too like eating together for dinner.. having family home evening, praying together daily, and reading the scripts daily, and doing other things to strengthen our familiy bonds.. well i am doing good but need yalls prayers and thanks for the emails like always.. if anybody wants to send me a package that would be really cool!! i havent gotten one for a bit and they are super exciting to get as with just letters and pics.. well i love yall a ton and dont think i will be able to get to send pics cause this computer is stupid but ill figure it out for the next time hopefully.. i love yall a ton and pray for yall daily and thank Heavenly Father for yall and this wonderful gospel in my life!! love yallLove,Elder Son Uncle Brother T Hatch
Sept 27, 2010
Love,Elder Tyler Hatch
Friday, September 24, 2010
Sept 22, 2010
Buenos Dias
we recieved a reference last week and they are a family and are excited to learn about the church.. they asked a ton of questions and we were able to answer all of them and with the bible a lot of them.. they were gonna come to church but something happened. and they already have a good friend thats a member to support them! they should get baptized next change.. but hopefully i wont be here cause its time for me to leave colombia!
well also we bought these mouthpieces in the market that make weird sounds.. me an my comp mess with people now with them.. i walked by some random people and did the sound and they all busted out laghing.. oh the dorky things we do as missionaries to have fun.. but yeah this sister in our ward the other day was talking about my hair and eyes and how pretty they are. haha it was funny but awkward cause her and her husband were talking to us and yeah i dunno.. haha but i dont have too much time left but please remember in your prayers to pray for my comp and his health.. and my health too.. but more importantly maria fernanda and cristian that they will be able to be baptized this weekend and enter into a convenant with Our Father in Heaven! well i love yall a ton and thanks for all the email and support that yall give me! i hope everyone is doing well and ill write yall next monday!
Monday, September 20, 2010
Sept 13, 2010
Hey!Well i don't have too much to say this week.. my comps knee has gotten worse and worse.. Tues wed and Thurs we went to the doctor everyday.. we also went again today and that's why i am not email until now.. its like a ball by his knee and its purple now.. it doesn't look good.. they have to open it up though to see if its just an infection or whats going on.. please pray for him.. we will probably be going to the hospital sometime this week so they can do the surgery and if all goes well he could be better in about two weeks but if not he might have to go home.. are baptisms are still coming a long good.. we had challenges though with maria fernanda though.. they still don't have there papers but supposedly today they went to get them and they should be good for maybe this sat or if not the next.. and Cristian should be a for sure baptism the 26th.. he is a smart kid and their family is coming every Sunday and maybe mas adelante the dad will be baptized.. ha ha dang like more in the future he could be.. last Sunday or two weeks ago i went up with one of their sons to bear his testimony.. he stood up and sat down like 4 times cause he was scared.. i went up with him and he bore his testimony for the first time.. it was tight and cool to be able to help him..

the independence day of guat is wed.. there will be a lot of parades and a torch running thing.. i don't know how much i will get to see or do just cause my comp is suppose to rest and not walk at all.. but also i bought a camera that's nice.. the member jacked mine and wont answer phone calls or anything.. he is a mage but yeah.. if somehow i get the other one back i will try and sell it.. i will send some cools pics next week i promise.. it was really cool to see Kevin and hear about whats hes doing.. also the food and snacks weren't too bad either.. ha ha tomorrow he heads back but it was fun to talk to him for a bit about Guatemala.. so this week i have been in a bus for way to long and in the house a lot too... we still went out and worked a little bit but yeah.. its not fun sitting in the house but i don't really have a choice.. please pray for my comp though and for the baptisms that we have coming up.. y'all know just as when people want to something good Satan does everything he can to put obstacles in their ways.. family concerns and also worries about rings for the wedding and food for example for maria fernanda and Sergio.. but yeah.. well i am glad to hear that everyone is doing well... i know that we have problems sometimes in our lives but i know that we accepted them in the pre mortal life because we knew that we could push through them when they came into our lives.. we just need to stay strong and know that its for our own benefit.. also when we think we have problems we should just look around.. somebody is always worse off then us.. i like in dc when Jose Smith :P was in the Carthage jail.. if the gates of hell shall open up against you it shall be for your own good or something like that.. he suffered a ton to bring to pass
the restoration of this church and even more then him.. Jesus Christ died so that we could over come the physical death and suffered in the Garden of Gethsemane so that would could be freed of our sins if we only do our little part of asking for forgiveness and having faith in him.. well i got to go but i love y'all a lot and y'all are in my prayers. thanks for everything and stay strong and push forward when problems enter yalls lives!! Everything is possible with God on our side!

Love yall,Elder Hatch
heres some pics actually.. with the familia reynoso and when we played pool today for pday!! love y'all again!
Sept 8, 2010
Shayne and Plip,
I saw tyler about 30min ago and I can report that he is healthy, in great spirits and looked to be having a good time. He lives in a joint w/ 6 missionaries. I stopped by his place (w/ a Guatemalan from our office) and he was seemed pleased to see someone from the states. We had a good chat. I dropped off some Coke, Oreos, Snickers, Cheetohs, and other kinds of stuff. I think he'll enjoy em.It was great to see him (I think last time I saw him was @ your wedding).
Here are a few pics. The odd one is of their kitchen.I obviously don't have all of Shayne's families email addresses so please pass this on to them. I know mothers of missionaries eat this stuff up.


Monday, September 13, 2010
Sept 6, 2010
August 30, 2010
Hello!Well i dont have too much time to write today cause i got a lot of emails to respond to.. well last monday after i emailed yall we went to a house and i learned how to make flour tortillas.. they are pretty easy and they turned out pretty good.. i like the food down here.. i love the classic guat food of bread beans eggs with creme on the beans and with ketchup on the eggs.. haha also i buy pupusas or tortilla things with cheese in the middle and salsa ontop of them.. they are pretty good and luckily i havent had to eat anything too crazy yet.. and i havent had boo or arrigamortis in a while.. my stomach has toughened up i think.. well i am feeling a lot better.. today it hurts more then it has for a while though maybe cause i lifted something last night that i shouldnt have.. oops i couldnt turn down service to some random people that needed help in the street.. haha but i am doing better.. i just need to take it easy and not do anything that will strain that part of me.. it could be a hernia a hidden one or what sherrie and mom thought.. sorry if i didnt respond in a little email to everybody cause i didnt have much time.. Maria fernanda still hasnt put a date to be married but hopefully they will soon.. also we have a baptism for the 26th for this kid whose 11 and his mom is a member.. they arent living in our area but are coming to our ward.. we taught his dad the other day and he is kind of weird like he did a lot of drugs in his younger years but we taught him the restauration and everything he learned was clear.. he liked it a lot and we answered a lot of the questions he had.. all of the evangelic churches down here are CRAZY and he was confused cause they think they feel the holy ghost through shouting and screaming and falling to the floor.. they are pshyco.. but we could baptized the dad too.. only he is not baptize like every dang guatemalteco down here!! its frustrating!! but 3 of the other elders in the house have learned to juggle with the balls you sent me.. i have taught a lot of them.. haha its pretty cool.. well the attendance in church sunday was more then it has ever been in my time here.. 96.. it was exiting to see so many people.. well the weather here recently has been cold and rainy!! so we all got boots for like 6 bucks today in a market.. my comp in the one closest to me.. our district and zone are doing a lot better this change.. its going really well with almost every companionship.. well i dont have much time left but i am gonna try and send a few more pics.. we are doing a training thing this week in the mission office with president and it will be good to learn how to be a better teacher of this Gospel of Jesus Christ.. Well i have to go but i love yall a ton and thanks for all the emails!! Love,Elder Hatch
August 23
Hey Fam!Well i dont have much time to write but not too much has happened.. haha thanks for all the emails though and i am glad that mom you are doing better.. that is scary but i am glad you are home now.. i wish i could call you but i cant.. keep pushing forward though and know that Heavenly Father has his hands in everything and everything has a reason and its always for our own benefit and growth as a person.. we have been teaching again... i rested six days and feel better now.. haha kind of.. i still hurt a little but i am doing a little better and hopefully i will continue to get better.. i am still in the same area.. haha i will have six months here by the end of this change.. i have a new comp though.. his name is elder vasquez.. he is from huehuetenango guat.. he is the district leader here and he is really cool.. he is obedient and i am learning a lot from here.. he had been in polochic the area where they learn a different language for 13 months. but he actually started his mission here in colombia.. we have 4 lats in the house now so i am speaking even more spanish and my accent is starting to get a lot better and i am learning a lot.. my comp though has a bad knee and has to go to the doctor to get liquid taken out of it tomorrow.. its crapy but atleast somebody can be sick with me.. this last week i had the coolest experience i have had in all my mission.. one member told us that he was gonna pay for the lawyer so that one of our investigadores maria fernanda could get married.. cause that had been the problem.. she went to go get the other paper today though that she needed.. so we should baptize her this change.. that same night we found out we taught about faith and works.. it was awesome.. maybe the best lesson ive taught then my comp finished up the lesson did an example and told them somebody was gonna pay for the lawyer so they could get married and then she could get baptized after. they started to cry and i almost did too.. haha is was the happiest ive been for a while since i have been hurting.. it was awesome.. to see people so happy that you have been working with for 4 months!! i am glad to still be in the area but hopefully i will leave after this change cause 6 months is enough.. well keep praying for me and my comp so that we will have the strength and health to keep working and helping the people in our area.. we also have alot of other good investigators and one that came with us the last sunday to stake conference.. it was cool cause he speaks english and talked to Hna torres and it turned out perfect.. well i got to go! love yall a lot and thanks for everything.. ill write again next week with more stuff and hopefully some pics finally!
Love,Elder Hatch
Love,Elder Hatch
August 16
Hey,Well me and the ZL Elder Karr did changes the others days.. it was a lot of fun working with him and we taught a lot of lessons.. its fun doing divisions cause him and my DL both are good missionaries and teach in a fun way but also with the spirit and thats what i want to continue to work for.. that night we came back and took all the phones and money and other expensive stuff in the house and hide it and threw stuff everywhere like we had been robbed.. my comp and his came home and went crazy.. then went around and realized everything valuable was gone.. we got some members to help us out.. it worked out perfectly and after about 25 min we told them.. i had that trick played on me last change and so it was fun to do it to somebody else.. and as for me and my comp I am surving till the end of this change with him.. he hasnt changed at all and yelling at him isnt gonna change him cause i figured that out.. we find out changes tonight.. i dont know if i am going anywhere or not.. cause well for about the last 3 months i have been having pain down by my hip or lower stomach.. it hasnt been too painful but its started bothering me more recently and so i went to the mission doctor and he just gave me advil and said it was something with my muscle wall..then i told hna torres and the pain got worse so i went to this specialist lady on fri.. then two more appts after.. one of my balls or testicles is swollen and i got pills and am not suppose to leave my bed for a week.. it sucks but i have been following the directions and its gotten a little better.. but down by my hip still hurts and i dont know if its out of place or what is going on.. its sucks cause all i want to do is go out and work and i cant even leave the stupid house or my bed.. ughh... just continue to pray for me and that i can get better as soon as possible so i can work.. dont worry about me though.. ill get better with time.. well my spanish is coming along good though and when we went to one of the doctors.. my ccm teacher saw me and i talked to him and he was impressed with my spanish.. also i went to his class with all these north americans.. i spoke to them about the mission field and how different it is.. then answered their questions.. it was really neat to see how much i have learned spanish wise and how much i have learned from just being out of the ccm and living on my own and about the gospel too.. hey and no idont still have my camera back.. dumb guy.. supposedly wednesday but if i have a change who knows.. if i have a change though i bet i will go to the office cause of the crap-sickness i have..but i dont care what happens.. i just wanna be better so i can work and leave the house and help people.. well one of the doctors knew the doctor from houston who was killed that sean had been working with.. it was his cousin.. mario gonzalez.. i think.. haha sean will be the only one who knows who i am talking about though.. small world.. mom and dad.. when do jason painter or paul cunha come back..? pretty soon huh.. thats crazy to think about.. well i was walking the other day and this dumb old lady was like my daughter likes the rubios.. or the blonde hair boys.. i was like we are here to preach the gospel.. and then Elder Karr was like we arent searching for girlfriends here.. it was funny but dang people down here are retarded.. or some of them.. well the work this last week wasnt that good.. if i got feeling better soon and stayed here that be awesome cause we have a ton of possiblities that we can work with and a lot of less actives that i have worked with my whole time that are coming to church now..but who knows i will find out tonight.. so i still have like 4 more days till i really am suppose to leave the house but i just went to sac meeting yesterday and just to email yall today.. i am not feeling too much better or if not worse so please pray for me.. i am gonna get a blessing tonight and so yep i am pushing forward.. just trying to get past whatever the problem is i have with my hip and yeah.. well i dont have to much more to say but i love yall so much and thankful for yalls examples in my life.. i thank Heavenly Father everynight for yall and i pray to Him that yall can know how much i love yall.. the church and family in my life are the best things ever.. with just these two things i wouldnt need anything else.. well hope everybody is doing well and getting ready for school.. haha thats crazy its soo close.. well i gotta go and ill write next week!!Love,Elder Tyler Hatch
Sunday, August 15, 2010
August 9, 2010
Well i am doing good down here and have almost made it to 6 months down here!! the time has gone by pretty fast but i still have quite a ways to go.. haha buts its all good cause i have a lot more i still need to learn and experience and a lot more people that i need to find and help.. this sunday an inactive family came that we visit everyweeek for the first time since i have been there.. we go to visit them every sat so i can teach their 7 year old daughter english.. she is a smart little girl and her pernuciation is better then most of the kids english in my ward.. the dad of the fam. asked us to pray for them to give them an extra push so that they would be able to go.. i remembered them in my prayers and they came!! faith and prayer really works and when we act Heavenly Father will bless us with more faith in Him and in the principle that we are acting on.. well last tues. when we went to the temple we went in a microbus which would hold about 15 people but we had 23 in there.. it was ridiculous and that is one thing i decided that i dont like about here is the crappy transportation.. the buses were fun at first now they are just a little to crazy and packed for my liking.. Well i saw this car with an atm bumper sticker.. it was sweettt!!! if i get my camara back today like i am suppose to i will go and take a pic by it and send it to yall next week.. also we had zone conference last week.. they talked alot about obedience and it was good.. the only problem my comp and the others who needed to hear it werent paying attention.. it was good though and we also worked on how to start teaching in a better manner.. it was good and yeah i am hanging in here with my comp.. i am just doing my part cause i cant make him do his.. he hasnt changed though and everyone is getting bugged by him now the house.. hopefully 10 more days and one of us will go.. our teaching pool is getting better we had 5 at church last sunday but a lot still arent married so thats a problem.. and one of our good investigators isnt coming anymore cause a dumb old lady in our ward got mad at her 2 year old daughter and said we dont need people like this in our church-ward.. that made me mad... there is no nursery in our ward so she cant do anything about.. well stupid lady and hopefully we can convince her to come back again next sunday.. we wont have any baptisms before the end of this change but i have hope for next change.. but the whole marriage thing down here is really ridiculous and it creates a lot of problems with being able to baptize people.. well the language is still coming.. i feel pretty comfortable now but i still want to get a lot better.. i am starting to forget how to say some stuff in english which is pretty cool but i am still working hard on the language and with time it should get better.. if i am doing my part i know that Heavenly Father will bless me with the don de lenguas para que yo pueda communicarme mejor con las personas aqui y traerles a la iglesia de JesuCristo de los Santos de los Ultimos Dias.. but yeah.. i am doing good and pushing forward.. i am growing a lot out here and learning a lot about the church and the people and culture down here.. and how to be a better missionary and a better man.. well it rains everynight now and thats cool cause i love falling asleep to the rain.. oh mom thats stinks about sis speakman and no i havent heard from tyler.. i am glad yall made it back home safe.. send me some pics if yall took some.. i bought key chains for all the neices and nephews and mom and dad too that are wood with the bird of guatemala on them.. i will send them home sometime.. maybe for christmas or i will wait till i come home in a while.. haha also mom and dad when you get my bank statements please tell me in an email how much i have so i can somewhat keep track of it.. i dont spend much but itd be nice to know.. thanks.. well my shoes are starting to get pretty worn cause i only wear one pair always cause they are water proof and the other ones arent.. the sole is pretty slippery now though and there is no grip.. i may have to buy some new ones in two or three more months.. well i dont have much more time left but thanks for the emails like always and i love yall a ton.. i read a cool article and shared it for a noche de hogar.. haha fhe we had with some members on how we need to speak of our beliefs with confidence... we dont need to be on the devensive always.. share your testimony and dont get caught up in insignificant topics about poligamy or stuff like that.. focuse on Jesus Christ and the atonement and our main principles and beliefs.. the lord will provide us with what to say if we are worthy through the Holy Ghost like it says in Matthew 10:19-20.. i think.. haha well i gotta go and i might know about changes-transfers next monday but if not monday night so i wont be able to tell yall but we will see what happens.. love yall and i got to go.. thanks for everything and yall are the best family ever!
Elder Hatch
Well i am doing good down here and have almost made it to 6 months down here!! the time has gone by pretty fast but i still have quite a ways to go.. haha buts its all good cause i have a lot more i still need to learn and experience and a lot more people that i need to find and help.. this sunday an inactive family came that we visit everyweeek for the first time since i have been there.. we go to visit them every sat so i can teach their 7 year old daughter english.. she is a smart little girl and her pernuciation is better then most of the kids english in my ward.. the dad of the fam. asked us to pray for them to give them an extra push so that they would be able to go.. i remembered them in my prayers and they came!! faith and prayer really works and when we act Heavenly Father will bless us with more faith in Him and in the principle that we are acting on.. well last tues. when we went to the temple we went in a microbus which would hold about 15 people but we had 23 in there.. it was ridiculous and that is one thing i decided that i dont like about here is the crappy transportation.. the buses were fun at first now they are just a little to crazy and packed for my liking.. Well i saw this car with an atm bumper sticker.. it was sweettt!!! if i get my camara back today like i am suppose to i will go and take a pic by it and send it to yall next week.. also we had zone conference last week.. they talked alot about obedience and it was good.. the only problem my comp and the others who needed to hear it werent paying attention.. it was good though and we also worked on how to start teaching in a better manner.. it was good and yeah i am hanging in here with my comp.. i am just doing my part cause i cant make him do his.. he hasnt changed though and everyone is getting bugged by him now the house.. hopefully 10 more days and one of us will go.. our teaching pool is getting better we had 5 at church last sunday but a lot still arent married so thats a problem.. and one of our good investigators isnt coming anymore cause a dumb old lady in our ward got mad at her 2 year old daughter and said we dont need people like this in our church-ward.. that made me mad... there is no nursery in our ward so she cant do anything about.. well stupid lady and hopefully we can convince her to come back again next sunday.. we wont have any baptisms before the end of this change but i have hope for next change.. but the whole marriage thing down here is really ridiculous and it creates a lot of problems with being able to baptize people.. well the language is still coming.. i feel pretty comfortable now but i still want to get a lot better.. i am starting to forget how to say some stuff in english which is pretty cool but i am still working hard on the language and with time it should get better.. if i am doing my part i know that Heavenly Father will bless me with the don de lenguas para que yo pueda communicarme mejor con las personas aqui y traerles a la iglesia de JesuCristo de los Santos de los Ultimos Dias.. but yeah.. i am doing good and pushing forward.. i am growing a lot out here and learning a lot about the church and the people and culture down here.. and how to be a better missionary and a better man.. well it rains everynight now and thats cool cause i love falling asleep to the rain.. oh mom thats stinks about sis speakman and no i havent heard from tyler.. i am glad yall made it back home safe.. send me some pics if yall took some.. i bought key chains for all the neices and nephews and mom and dad too that are wood with the bird of guatemala on them.. i will send them home sometime.. maybe for christmas or i will wait till i come home in a while.. haha also mom and dad when you get my bank statements please tell me in an email how much i have so i can somewhat keep track of it.. i dont spend much but itd be nice to know.. thanks.. well my shoes are starting to get pretty worn cause i only wear one pair always cause they are water proof and the other ones arent.. the sole is pretty slippery now though and there is no grip.. i may have to buy some new ones in two or three more months.. well i dont have much more time left but thanks for the emails like always and i love yall a ton.. i read a cool article and shared it for a noche de hogar.. haha fhe we had with some members on how we need to speak of our beliefs with confidence... we dont need to be on the devensive always.. share your testimony and dont get caught up in insignificant topics about poligamy or stuff like that.. focuse on Jesus Christ and the atonement and our main principles and beliefs.. the lord will provide us with what to say if we are worthy through the Holy Ghost like it says in Matthew 10:19-20.. i think.. haha well i gotta go and i might know about changes-transfers next monday but if not monday night so i wont be able to tell yall but we will see what happens.. love yall and i got to go.. thanks for everything and yall are the best family ever!
Elder Hatch
August 3, 2010
Dear Family!
Well i am doing better now.. we had another fight again the other day.. i wont go into details but he was just waiting upstairs for about 30 min for somebody to tell him to leave... then he walked slow.. i walked fast cause we were late for our appt.. i talked with him.. well yelled.. we went home..a zl had a prompting to come back.. he did and talked with him and me.. then we talked.. we are doing better now and the spirtit is with our companionship again i just hope we can make it 2 more weeks.. he likes to fight with everybody so yeah its fun.. but i am trying to learn from it and learn to be more patient.. but i will step in and maybe that is part of what i needed to learn.. not to just let things happen but actually stand up better for myself and what i think and beleive.. well melissas ex boyfriend.. sean you told me he was coming here.. its elder williams.. i found out the other day.. he is a really cool kid he is from ohio and yeah he actually brought it up cause hed been thinking about it.. small world huh.. and mom Rudy and Jane Guajardo were in our stake and now they are down here.. he talked to me the other day at our pioneer activity.. he knows you and mom.. i thought that was cool he is on some type of mission down here.. well i had another witness that God answers our prayers.. my comp played video games for an hour the other day at a members house and i just sat there and was super mad.. we left and i prayed in my head to help me not blow.. i was almost to the point of shaking i was so mad.. then we found this investigator kid.. and we messed around with him and his friends with a ball they were playing with.. it completely got my mind off being so mad.. and i realized that was put into my path to help calm me down.. it did a trick with the ball and caught it on my back and all the kids thought it was cool.. it made my attitude change from being so mad to being happy..both of our baptisms wont be till next change atleast.. one the kid is 11 and knows and lot and is super cool but he has to go 7 times to church cause he is under 14.. then the other girl still hasnt gotten marreid.. i really want to have another change here and see the both of them get baptized but chances are in two weeks i will be getting sent somewhere else..well i recieved the package mom.. thanks alot.. the letters were the best part and it made my day.. thanks for the juggling balls too! well some dang ants ate my recees pieces but i have been enjoying the rest of it.. thanks a lot for all who pitched in on that.. well i have really been studying hard and trying to focus on teaching with my heart and to the needs of the people rathering then thinking a whole ton.. i have felt the spirit a lot stronger like that and its really neat.. i also realize the gift of tongues is real and if we really try we can develop any of the gifts of the spirit if we work hard and put in out part.. ahh i dont have enough time.. well thanks for all the emails and the advice and prayers.. i am doing well now and gonna make it through this change.. there is only two weeks left.. we woke up at 4 this morning and went through the temple.. it was awesome.. as soon as you enter you can just feel the spirit and how calm and peaceful it is in their.. also the celestial room was great and i had a good prayer in there.. i am so glad we have this gospel in our lives so we can be together forever.. its awesome cause honestly i cant tell yall how much yall mean to me and how much i love yall.. we did service the other day and put up metal roof for this guy.. it was fun cause i could jump and lift up and slide a piece with out a ladder.. the people were impressed and it was fun and i always feel good doing service.. also my comp told another elder in our house.. and yeah dad theirs six of us.. that i was the best comp hes had.. that made me feel good even though weve gotten in so many fights.. i really am trying to be a good missionary and become who my Heavenly Father wants me to be.. the mission isnt easy but its definately worth it and i know i am learning a lot through the triumphs and the trials..well steph shayne brian and sean i will email yall next week but my time is up for today.. i love yall a lot and thanks for everything.. i am so grateful to have yall in my life and the support of everyone.. haha some of the other kids are saying yall now in my house :P haha well i got to go but ill write again next monday i am pretty sure.. well adios y ¡pasen feliz dia!
Elder Uncle Hatch
oh yeah i tried to pray in english the other day cause this kid who is gonna get baptized next change wanted me too.. it was terrible.. i had to translate it from spanish back into english and i bet i sounded like a tard ... well paz!
Well i am doing better now.. we had another fight again the other day.. i wont go into details but he was just waiting upstairs for about 30 min for somebody to tell him to leave... then he walked slow.. i walked fast cause we were late for our appt.. i talked with him.. well yelled.. we went home..a zl had a prompting to come back.. he did and talked with him and me.. then we talked.. we are doing better now and the spirtit is with our companionship again i just hope we can make it 2 more weeks.. he likes to fight with everybody so yeah its fun.. but i am trying to learn from it and learn to be more patient.. but i will step in and maybe that is part of what i needed to learn.. not to just let things happen but actually stand up better for myself and what i think and beleive.. well melissas ex boyfriend.. sean you told me he was coming here.. its elder williams.. i found out the other day.. he is a really cool kid he is from ohio and yeah he actually brought it up cause hed been thinking about it.. small world huh.. and mom Rudy and Jane Guajardo were in our stake and now they are down here.. he talked to me the other day at our pioneer activity.. he knows you and mom.. i thought that was cool he is on some type of mission down here.. well i had another witness that God answers our prayers.. my comp played video games for an hour the other day at a members house and i just sat there and was super mad.. we left and i prayed in my head to help me not blow.. i was almost to the point of shaking i was so mad.. then we found this investigator kid.. and we messed around with him and his friends with a ball they were playing with.. it completely got my mind off being so mad.. and i realized that was put into my path to help calm me down.. it did a trick with the ball and caught it on my back and all the kids thought it was cool.. it made my attitude change from being so mad to being happy..both of our baptisms wont be till next change atleast.. one the kid is 11 and knows and lot and is super cool but he has to go 7 times to church cause he is under 14.. then the other girl still hasnt gotten marreid.. i really want to have another change here and see the both of them get baptized but chances are in two weeks i will be getting sent somewhere else..well i recieved the package mom.. thanks alot.. the letters were the best part and it made my day.. thanks for the juggling balls too! well some dang ants ate my recees pieces but i have been enjoying the rest of it.. thanks a lot for all who pitched in on that.. well i have really been studying hard and trying to focus on teaching with my heart and to the needs of the people rathering then thinking a whole ton.. i have felt the spirit a lot stronger like that and its really neat.. i also realize the gift of tongues is real and if we really try we can develop any of the gifts of the spirit if we work hard and put in out part.. ahh i dont have enough time.. well thanks for all the emails and the advice and prayers.. i am doing well now and gonna make it through this change.. there is only two weeks left.. we woke up at 4 this morning and went through the temple.. it was awesome.. as soon as you enter you can just feel the spirit and how calm and peaceful it is in their.. also the celestial room was great and i had a good prayer in there.. i am so glad we have this gospel in our lives so we can be together forever.. its awesome cause honestly i cant tell yall how much yall mean to me and how much i love yall.. we did service the other day and put up metal roof for this guy.. it was fun cause i could jump and lift up and slide a piece with out a ladder.. the people were impressed and it was fun and i always feel good doing service.. also my comp told another elder in our house.. and yeah dad theirs six of us.. that i was the best comp hes had.. that made me feel good even though weve gotten in so many fights.. i really am trying to be a good missionary and become who my Heavenly Father wants me to be.. the mission isnt easy but its definately worth it and i know i am learning a lot through the triumphs and the trials..well steph shayne brian and sean i will email yall next week but my time is up for today.. i love yall a lot and thanks for everything.. i am so grateful to have yall in my life and the support of everyone.. haha some of the other kids are saying yall now in my house :P haha well i got to go but ill write again next monday i am pretty sure.. well adios y ¡pasen feliz dia!
Elder Uncle Hatch
oh yeah i tried to pray in english the other day cause this kid who is gonna get baptized next change wanted me too.. it was terrible.. i had to translate it from spanish back into english and i bet i sounded like a tard ... well paz!
July 26, 2010
Dear Fam,
Hey i am glad to hear that everybody is doing well and the summer is going well for everybody.. its crazy that it is almost august!! this month went by fast and hopefullly these last three weeks of this change will go by fast too.. my comp that i though would be good isnt.. he is a retard and hopefully i will make it through the next three weeks without exploding on him again or one of us getting an emergency change.. the second day here he told me i need to care for the people more.. and i do obviously and try to listen attentively but i still dont understand everything.. i just let that roll off me though... then when i go to bed on time he comes in and turns on the light and i tell him to turn it off and he doesnt listen and just laughs.. i was like whatever with that too.. then he still thinks he knows his way better then i do around the area.. then he listens to apostate music.. not of the church and when another elder turns it off he got mad and told him that he lost the spirit when he turned it off.. then the other day when we were supposed to be studying he got the american flag we had downstairs and thought itd be funny to burn it.. so he did.. then i came down kept my cool and went back upstairs then came back down to leave to go work and he put the melted little part that remained back up.. i grabbed it through it outside and said lets go.. then we went to pray and he told me to say and i ALWAYS say it! thats when i blew up.. i went off on him in spanish and told him i dont care if he has respect for the flag.. but you have NO respect for your calling.. this is your time is the lords... you are stupid.. your wasting the lords time and get some respect for things!! i dont know if i have ever been so mad in my life though.. i was shaking after.. we worked things out though but he really isnt changing and that was friday..i dont know if i will make it three more weeks with him.. somebody might get e changed out cause i am not putting up with his crap anymore.. i thought the mission was gonna be full of good misisonaries but its really now.. there are a bunch of retards out there that need to go home if they dont wanna be here to work.. they can do there crap in the homes and not waste my time or the time of others who are here to work and help others come onto Christ.. well please pray for me and my comp cause honestly i dont know if ill make it much longer with him before i beat the crap out of him some day.. well it was nice to get that out and if anybody has some advice on that subject i would love to hear it.. i fiinished reading our heritage but in spanish and it is a really good history of our church.. it makes me realize the challenges i sometimes have are really nothing compared to the pioneers and others.. their faith was amazing and they went through so many challenges but those who remained at the end were the best and those were the people really needed to start this church up so it could become what it is today.. i got a letter from gma hatch and will write her back next pday.. we had a pioneer day activity today with 5 zones.. it was cool to see all my buddies that came into the mission with me.. we heard some talks and the spirit was strong.. then we played some pioneer like games.. we have to people to be baptized on the 7th of august.. another thing my comp didnt want to go by and pick up our investagators like we always do for church... it is true they need to come on there own but we need to tell them first we arent gonna pass by so come or your own.. but he was dumb and was like we arent going and they didnt come.. what do ya know.. he is a retard.. anyway i have eaten some hot stuff recently with chili in it and i thought i was gonna die cause it was soo hot.. dad and sean happy birthday.. sorry i forgot to say it last week.. and paul too and jaden and i dont remember who else.. haha sorry i dont look at my paper much that has everyones bday. and for that happy bday to all those ive missed since i have been out camera is still in the shop and hopefully i get it back soon.. well its been cool to see while i have been out here how appostate the other churches are.. like the catholics and the evangelicals.. they dont have there church in line with any of the things in the bible which they supposedly read.. also the fact that satan tries soooo hard to stop our church from growing is another example to me that our church is the true church.. he is attacking to family so hard right now and that is why we need to fortalize or strengthen our families now more then ever.. they are the most important group here on the earth.. well i am so greatful to be able to share the gospel with others and hope we have to live for forever with our families! Well i gotta to go and please pray for me and my comp and the work in all the world!! i love yall and lots and love getting your emails and pics!! Stay strong and dont forget the things we convenanted with God when we were baptized to be reps of Christ and to help others and keeps his commds.. and we will be blessed.. I love yall and ill tty next tuesday!!
Elder Hatch
Hey i am glad to hear that everybody is doing well and the summer is going well for everybody.. its crazy that it is almost august!! this month went by fast and hopefullly these last three weeks of this change will go by fast too.. my comp that i though would be good isnt.. he is a retard and hopefully i will make it through the next three weeks without exploding on him again or one of us getting an emergency change.. the second day here he told me i need to care for the people more.. and i do obviously and try to listen attentively but i still dont understand everything.. i just let that roll off me though... then when i go to bed on time he comes in and turns on the light and i tell him to turn it off and he doesnt listen and just laughs.. i was like whatever with that too.. then he still thinks he knows his way better then i do around the area.. then he listens to apostate music.. not of the church and when another elder turns it off he got mad and told him that he lost the spirit when he turned it off.. then the other day when we were supposed to be studying he got the american flag we had downstairs and thought itd be funny to burn it.. so he did.. then i came down kept my cool and went back upstairs then came back down to leave to go work and he put the melted little part that remained back up.. i grabbed it through it outside and said lets go.. then we went to pray and he told me to say and i ALWAYS say it! thats when i blew up.. i went off on him in spanish and told him i dont care if he has respect for the flag.. but you have NO respect for your calling.. this is your time is the lords... you are stupid.. your wasting the lords time and get some respect for things!! i dont know if i have ever been so mad in my life though.. i was shaking after.. we worked things out though but he really isnt changing and that was friday..i dont know if i will make it three more weeks with him.. somebody might get e changed out cause i am not putting up with his crap anymore.. i thought the mission was gonna be full of good misisonaries but its really now.. there are a bunch of retards out there that need to go home if they dont wanna be here to work.. they can do there crap in the homes and not waste my time or the time of others who are here to work and help others come onto Christ.. well please pray for me and my comp cause honestly i dont know if ill make it much longer with him before i beat the crap out of him some day.. well it was nice to get that out and if anybody has some advice on that subject i would love to hear it.. i fiinished reading our heritage but in spanish and it is a really good history of our church.. it makes me realize the challenges i sometimes have are really nothing compared to the pioneers and others.. their faith was amazing and they went through so many challenges but those who remained at the end were the best and those were the people really needed to start this church up so it could become what it is today.. i got a letter from gma hatch and will write her back next pday.. we had a pioneer day activity today with 5 zones.. it was cool to see all my buddies that came into the mission with me.. we heard some talks and the spirit was strong.. then we played some pioneer like games.. we have to people to be baptized on the 7th of august.. another thing my comp didnt want to go by and pick up our investagators like we always do for church... it is true they need to come on there own but we need to tell them first we arent gonna pass by so come or your own.. but he was dumb and was like we arent going and they didnt come.. what do ya know.. he is a retard.. anyway i have eaten some hot stuff recently with chili in it and i thought i was gonna die cause it was soo hot.. dad and sean happy birthday.. sorry i forgot to say it last week.. and paul too and jaden and i dont remember who else.. haha sorry i dont look at my paper much that has everyones bday. and for that happy bday to all those ive missed since i have been out camera is still in the shop and hopefully i get it back soon.. well its been cool to see while i have been out here how appostate the other churches are.. like the catholics and the evangelicals.. they dont have there church in line with any of the things in the bible which they supposedly read.. also the fact that satan tries soooo hard to stop our church from growing is another example to me that our church is the true church.. he is attacking to family so hard right now and that is why we need to fortalize or strengthen our families now more then ever.. they are the most important group here on the earth.. well i am so greatful to be able to share the gospel with others and hope we have to live for forever with our families! Well i gotta to go and please pray for me and my comp and the work in all the world!! i love yall and lots and love getting your emails and pics!! Stay strong and dont forget the things we convenanted with God when we were baptized to be reps of Christ and to help others and keeps his commds.. and we will be blessed.. I love yall and ill tty next tuesday!!
Elder Hatch
July 19, 2010
Hey Familia!
Well i am doing good down here in guatemala.. Mom and dad thanks for the emails and i am glad yall are having fun in utah and that dad made it back home safe.. yeah mom ill let you know when the package gets here and thanks for sending it!! well mom the cockroaches havent been too bad but they are sometimes in the house.. haha and the only thing they semi spray for down here is the mosquitos cause they carry dengae.. and i think that might be like west nile but i dunno.. its bad though if you get it and its like extreme flu and itll take ya out for a week or two.. well last week we found 13 news.. and one family liked us so much they invited us back for a snack.. refaccion.. it was cool and we will see what happens with those people.. we still need to contact more though to find new people.. my spanish is coming along still but i understand almost everything and can talk quite a bit it will just take more time to get better and better.. my comp isnt too bad and hasnt made me mad this last week but he isnt a rule follower in the house and likes to sleep in and listen to non church music and doesnt really study.. but whatever.. ill do what i am suppose and not force him to do stuff cause thatd just make him mad.. but we get along pretty well.. i heard that maybe next change i will be going to the mission office.. there are three that have a chance to go and i am one of them.. we will see what happens though.. it would be cool but then at the same time i would rather be working all day then sitting in an office for most of it.. but i heard they only send good elders to the office so that would be cool but yeah we will see.. members and all the missionaries like me though so that makes me feel good..they say my spanish is good for how much time i have and they like how i am always happy and smiling.. that makes me feel good cause sometimes i feel down cause thats what the mission is ups and downs.. so this kid the other day looked at me and he is the guat version of nolan! it was crazy his face was just like his except just darker.. it was pretty funny.. well we have been working hard still with inactives cause there is a ton and hardly anybody likes the bishop and we had a lot come to church last sunday.. we had about 90 which is about 15-20 more then usual.. it was really cool and it feels good to see them there when we are working hard trying to get them there. we also had three investigators again and hopefully goes through with the marriage of our fecha.. baptism so we can baptize her on the 7 of august.. well there are a bunch of bolos here or drunk people who drink little bottles of rubbing alcohol.. we have about 10 in our area that are always by the soccer fields.. they always speak english to me but the other day we walked by and this one said elderes!! and put up one finger.. then said SHUT UP! and that was it.. i said esta bien and we kept walking.. haha it was a lot funnier in person but they are retarted so it gives me entertainment when we walk by them everyday.. i still dont have my camera back but here are some pics i just took.. we were gonna do a service project as a zone but in guat some days theres water when you turn on the faucet or hose and some days not.. and there wasnt any water saturday but we waited and hoped for a bit so i took some pics of me dunking.. i can still jump suprisingsly!! also we climbed this thing and took pics from on top of it.. i also got toasted on my neck and arms where my shirt usually covers cause my church shirts are ginormous!! well i got my haircut again so its short and now i dont have to do anything with it! well i dont really have much more to say but i just want to say something about using temples.. i have heard a few people here that had to go all the way to arizona to get sealed before there was a temple here or closer.. and so its really important that we use the temples that are so close to our homes in the states... temple work is sooo cool cause it gives people the opportunity to accept the gospel in the next life and to be sealed forever!! its something that i think we take for granted often.. i know its easy for me to say right now as a missionary but i just want to encourage yall to use the temples cause it was give people blessings on the other side and i know that we will recieve blessings when we attend the temple and have more peace and happiness in our lives.. and sometime you have to get away from the dang outside world and all the crap that goes on in it! well i love yall a ton and keep emailing me and sending me pics and letters when yall have time cause its suuupeper exciting to get them as a missionary!! Well i am glad everyones doing well and i pray for yall and everyday and thank my Heavenly Father for the wonderful familiy he has blessed me with!! well i love yall and will write next week!!
Love Elder Tio Hermano Hijo Fifi Tyler Hatch.. haha
Well i am doing good down here in guatemala.. Mom and dad thanks for the emails and i am glad yall are having fun in utah and that dad made it back home safe.. yeah mom ill let you know when the package gets here and thanks for sending it!! well mom the cockroaches havent been too bad but they are sometimes in the house.. haha and the only thing they semi spray for down here is the mosquitos cause they carry dengae.. and i think that might be like west nile but i dunno.. its bad though if you get it and its like extreme flu and itll take ya out for a week or two.. well last week we found 13 news.. and one family liked us so much they invited us back for a snack.. refaccion.. it was cool and we will see what happens with those people.. we still need to contact more though to find new people.. my spanish is coming along still but i understand almost everything and can talk quite a bit it will just take more time to get better and better.. my comp isnt too bad and hasnt made me mad this last week but he isnt a rule follower in the house and likes to sleep in and listen to non church music and doesnt really study.. but whatever.. ill do what i am suppose and not force him to do stuff cause thatd just make him mad.. but we get along pretty well.. i heard that maybe next change i will be going to the mission office.. there are three that have a chance to go and i am one of them.. we will see what happens though.. it would be cool but then at the same time i would rather be working all day then sitting in an office for most of it.. but i heard they only send good elders to the office so that would be cool but yeah we will see.. members and all the missionaries like me though so that makes me feel good..they say my spanish is good for how much time i have and they like how i am always happy and smiling.. that makes me feel good cause sometimes i feel down cause thats what the mission is ups and downs.. so this kid the other day looked at me and he is the guat version of nolan! it was crazy his face was just like his except just darker.. it was pretty funny.. well we have been working hard still with inactives cause there is a ton and hardly anybody likes the bishop and we had a lot come to church last sunday.. we had about 90 which is about 15-20 more then usual.. it was really cool and it feels good to see them there when we are working hard trying to get them there. we also had three investigators again and hopefully goes through with the marriage of our fecha.. baptism so we can baptize her on the 7 of august.. well there are a bunch of bolos here or drunk people who drink little bottles of rubbing alcohol.. we have about 10 in our area that are always by the soccer fields.. they always speak english to me but the other day we walked by and this one said elderes!! and put up one finger.. then said SHUT UP! and that was it.. i said esta bien and we kept walking.. haha it was a lot funnier in person but they are retarted so it gives me entertainment when we walk by them everyday.. i still dont have my camera back but here are some pics i just took.. we were gonna do a service project as a zone but in guat some days theres water when you turn on the faucet or hose and some days not.. and there wasnt any water saturday but we waited and hoped for a bit so i took some pics of me dunking.. i can still jump suprisingsly!! also we climbed this thing and took pics from on top of it.. i also got toasted on my neck and arms where my shirt usually covers cause my church shirts are ginormous!! well i got my haircut again so its short and now i dont have to do anything with it! well i dont really have much more to say but i just want to say something about using temples.. i have heard a few people here that had to go all the way to arizona to get sealed before there was a temple here or closer.. and so its really important that we use the temples that are so close to our homes in the states... temple work is sooo cool cause it gives people the opportunity to accept the gospel in the next life and to be sealed forever!! its something that i think we take for granted often.. i know its easy for me to say right now as a missionary but i just want to encourage yall to use the temples cause it was give people blessings on the other side and i know that we will recieve blessings when we attend the temple and have more peace and happiness in our lives.. and sometime you have to get away from the dang outside world and all the crap that goes on in it! well i love yall a ton and keep emailing me and sending me pics and letters when yall have time cause its suuupeper exciting to get them as a missionary!! Well i am glad everyones doing well and i pray for yall and everyday and thank my Heavenly Father for the wonderful familiy he has blessed me with!! well i love yall and will write next week!!
Love Elder Tio Hermano Hijo Fifi Tyler Hatch.. haha
July 12, 2010
Dear Family,
Hey how is everybody doing.. i am doing good.. the first week in this change went pretty well with my new comp.. his name is Elder Velasquez and he is from a city here in guat.. haha he is really short and kind of guat indianish.. ill send a pic if i ever get my camera back!!! well this last week we cleaned all of our house pretty well so i feel a lot better living in it now.. like all the nasty dishes are clean now and all the dusty floors are clean now and it just feels a lot better having it clean.. when i get my camera too i will send pics of me in different places in the house so yall can see what a day in my life as a missionary is like.. i gave a blessing to this lady in spanish the other day and it went really well.. it was cool and i was able to do it.. usually i just annoint but i actually gave it and it turned out good.. i had given one before that and it was terrible.. i had never given one before and yeah i was super nervous.. but i will get better.. its good talking only spanish to my comp now and i am starting to use the subjunctive more which is pretty much the only tense i lack.. i just need to study a lot still and learn a lot more verbs and words but its coming.. my comp is good but it has been a little frustrating with him though cause sometimes he thinks he knows the area better then me!! he doesnt though.. haha i got frustrated one time cause he said i was wrong and i was like heck no.. i know where things are at ive been here for three months thank you.. i really didnt say it like that though but that has only happened like twice.. it will help me develop patience though.. or i will blow up on him one time cause i dont put up with crap anymore especially from any other missionary.. this week was really good though.. we had 3 investigators at the church sunday and two for the first time.. we have a date bautismal for the 7th of august with the girl that has to get married first.. hopefully they will hurry up and get married though so we can baptize them.. almost all of our investigators need to get married cause thats just a problem here in guat.. nobody gets married.. it costs money and its more difficult to do down here then to do in the states.. we also had six less actives that we had been visiting go to church.. it was really exciting to see that and be able to help them get back on the path.. it is frustrating though cause a lot of them have problems with the bishop.. i have told some of them though that we dont go to church for the leaders.. our salvation is in our hands and if we dont go its only hurting our selves cause we arent renewing our baptismal convenants through means of the sacrament.. well i was juggling oranges the other day and this guat kid kept calling me clown in spanish.. it was pretty funny.. Well we found a new the other day and he told us his wife was in the hospital pregnant
but the baby if it was born would be premature.. he said it was a coincidence that we came and found him and prayed for his wife cause we were the first ones to do that since shes been in the hospital.. it was cool but hes a evangelica so wont progress though.. i have learned though that nothing is a coincidence.. God has his hand in all the things that happen and everything happens for a reason and in the long run for the benefit of us.. all the trials we have are for a reason and to help us out.... we also are teaching this kid in his twenties who is a rapper-reggaeton artist.. he can speak english so part of the lesson i gave last time was in english and it was hard.. i cant talk about church stuff in english or really give the lessons very well cause i always do it in spanish.. he is cool though and really wants to learn and find out if the church is true or not..he and my comp got into a stupid argument over john the beloved and i finally stepped in and told him that doesnt matter.. knowing about whether he is still living or not will not effect our salvation.. i told him to pray and that ask cause we are never gonna convince him of anything.. only through prayer will God answer him by the Holy Ghost.. Well i am doing well down here and praying for yall often.. keep praying for me though cause i need your prayers always!! I love yall a lot and thanks for being so great.. if anybody has sent me a package let me know so i can be ready to get it.. yall should get pics in the mail from me either this week or the next that elder grant sent out once he was home!! Oh yeah Elder Harmon lives in my house now and he is from logan and hna. mitchell is in my zone and shes from lewiston ut.. well got to go!
Elder Hatch
Hey how is everybody doing.. i am doing good.. the first week in this change went pretty well with my new comp.. his name is Elder Velasquez and he is from a city here in guat.. haha he is really short and kind of guat indianish.. ill send a pic if i ever get my camera back!!! well this last week we cleaned all of our house pretty well so i feel a lot better living in it now.. like all the nasty dishes are clean now and all the dusty floors are clean now and it just feels a lot better having it clean.. when i get my camera too i will send pics of me in different places in the house so yall can see what a day in my life as a missionary is like.. i gave a blessing to this lady in spanish the other day and it went really well.. it was cool and i was able to do it.. usually i just annoint but i actually gave it and it turned out good.. i had given one before that and it was terrible.. i had never given one before and yeah i was super nervous.. but i will get better.. its good talking only spanish to my comp now and i am starting to use the subjunctive more which is pretty much the only tense i lack.. i just need to study a lot still and learn a lot more verbs and words but its coming.. my comp is good but it has been a little frustrating with him though cause sometimes he thinks he knows the area better then me!! he doesnt though.. haha i got frustrated one time cause he said i was wrong and i was like heck no.. i know where things are at ive been here for three months thank you.. i really didnt say it like that though but that has only happened like twice.. it will help me develop patience though.. or i will blow up on him one time cause i dont put up with crap anymore especially from any other missionary.. this week was really good though.. we had 3 investigators at the church sunday and two for the first time.. we have a date bautismal for the 7th of august with the girl that has to get married first.. hopefully they will hurry up and get married though so we can baptize them.. almost all of our investigators need to get married cause thats just a problem here in guat.. nobody gets married.. it costs money and its more difficult to do down here then to do in the states.. we also had six less actives that we had been visiting go to church.. it was really exciting to see that and be able to help them get back on the path.. it is frustrating though cause a lot of them have problems with the bishop.. i have told some of them though that we dont go to church for the leaders.. our salvation is in our hands and if we dont go its only hurting our selves cause we arent renewing our baptismal convenants through means of the sacrament.. well i was juggling oranges the other day and this guat kid kept calling me clown in spanish.. it was pretty funny.. Well we found a new the other day and he told us his wife was in the hospital pregnant
but the baby if it was born would be premature.. he said it was a coincidence that we came and found him and prayed for his wife cause we were the first ones to do that since shes been in the hospital.. it was cool but hes a evangelica so wont progress though.. i have learned though that nothing is a coincidence.. God has his hand in all the things that happen and everything happens for a reason and in the long run for the benefit of us.. all the trials we have are for a reason and to help us out.... we also are teaching this kid in his twenties who is a rapper-reggaeton artist.. he can speak english so part of the lesson i gave last time was in english and it was hard.. i cant talk about church stuff in english or really give the lessons very well cause i always do it in spanish.. he is cool though and really wants to learn and find out if the church is true or not..he and my comp got into a stupid argument over john the beloved and i finally stepped in and told him that doesnt matter.. knowing about whether he is still living or not will not effect our salvation.. i told him to pray and that ask cause we are never gonna convince him of anything.. only through prayer will God answer him by the Holy Ghost.. Well i am doing well down here and praying for yall often.. keep praying for me though cause i need your prayers always!! I love yall a lot and thanks for being so great.. if anybody has sent me a package let me know so i can be ready to get it.. yall should get pics in the mail from me either this week or the next that elder grant sent out once he was home!! Oh yeah Elder Harmon lives in my house now and he is from logan and hna. mitchell is in my zone and shes from lewiston ut.. well got to go!
Elder Hatch
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
July 5, 2010
Querido Familia!
Well today we had changes again!!! I have been out for almost five months now!! I am finally done with Elder Grant.. He was cool but he was sooo baggy towards the end and ready to go home.. i sent about 10 letters home with him cause i had a lot of left over us stamps that i cant use down here.. every sibling and mom and dad should get two photos hopefully before the end of this month.. Well that kid mom who went down to the peru ccm emailed his family and told them he gave the whettens my pic and they send their saludations or something like that.. Well after that hurricane came through last week it got pretty cold here for a few days.. not like cold cold but for guatemala cold.. it was nice and it rained a ton when that hurricane went through.. Haha oh yeah and mom i was confused in your last email cause you said kaylee.. i thought who is that.. but yeah kylee young.. thats crazy that its her family that helped yall out and we never realized that for so long.. yeah they are gonna miss me and ross cause we were some of the only cool guys in the ward.. haha but speaking of ross he is doing really well... he is training and district leader in his third change!! thats ridiculous to already be training let alone be a DL this early.. he is doing well though and i email him every once in a while.. the zls said i was gonna go up to senior comp this change but i didnt.. its ok though cause my comp is cool and i can tell he is gonna be hard worker and obedient..he is from here in guatemala so obviously he is a latino but he is cool.. he has 19 months in the mission but this should be a good change cause we both want to work hard and so we should have success if we do that and work with the spirit.. also itll help me out with my spanish so thatll be good.. Well my comp in the ccm and mtc that got sent of to polochic where you never come back in less then a year came to our house the other day to drop off pouch cause he had to come back to the capital cause his comp had a seizure.. he is doing good and it was super exciting to see him.. he is learning kekchi the mayan indian language stuff.. its pretty cool and its kind of like talking in clicks.. Well this last week i ate good for everyday for lunch.. we bought little caesars one day.. pollo campero.. chicken.. two days.. and then pizza from pizza hut thurs and fri.. and we split the cost so it wasnt too much.. it was pretty awesome to eat american good food for one week.. haha i guess thats kind of how we celebrated the forth since we really didnt do anything... also people give us tres leches.. the cake down here alot cause thats always what they make down here.. its pretty amazing.. Also i am reading our heritage in spanish but they talked about peter maughn who found cache valley.. i thought that was cool cause i know mom and dad that you know some maughns up there by gma and gpa coopers.. We did a noche hogar.. a family home evening last night and i was trying to think of something different we could do instead of just sharing a message so we did the pick your favorite hymn and say why its your favorite and a lil testimony then we sang two verses of each of them.. we did that in sac. meeting once and it was cool to use if for a fhe thing too and it worked well.. well one of my best buddies that came out of the ccm with me went home this morning cause he has a herniated disc in his back and couldnt work anymore.. he really should have come out with that but yeah he couldnt take it anymore so he went home to st george today.. it sucks cause he was one of my best friends out here and in my district for the first two changes.. if he gets help though and can go back out again they will send him to texas though in 3 mnths.. thatd be cool but i doubt his back will get better.. that has made me realize how much we take our health for granted sometimes.. especially out here on the mission.. everyday is a gift and anyday something could happen and you could be sent home.. I realized how much more i should be thankful to my Heavenly Father for the good health he has given me.. speaking of health kind of.. at change conference today i saw this kid that was taller then me in the ccm and now i am like the same heighth as him.. he was like are you getting taller.. well i must be! wooohooo!!! haha i am still growing a little bit.. Well i should get my camera back this week finally so i can send pics next week... dad your a dork with your geenie quote.. haha it made me laugh though.. i am glad yall made it up to utah safe and that yall had a good fourth of july.. well since i have been down here its really made me realize how fortunate we are in the states.. we have it sooo well there even with crappy barack obama as president.. we should be so thankful to live there.. here the govt doesnt do anything!! they dont pick up your garbage for free... the police force doesnt do crap so the gangs practically run some places... the water you cant drink it from the tap.. there arent garbage cans anywhere for the public so they just throw it in the street.. anyway what i am trying to get at is that we should be really thankful to be citizens of there and not take for granted all that we have been given.. i really took for granted soooo much stuff that was so simple before the mission that i wish i had now cause itd make life so much easier.. well i dont have to much more to say.. i am doing good though and am excited to get started on this change.. i think it will be a good six weeks and we will get a lot accomplished if we work hard and follow the spirit and are obedient.. well i know this church is true and can see it more and more every day.. the church and organization of it is perfect and the only way it could be like that is if somebody perfect created it.. thats one way i know this is really the Church of Jesus Christ.. well i hope everyone is doing well and email me when yall have time cause i love to hear from yall.. or if yall want to send me a real letter thatd be sweet too!! Thanks for everything!!
Elder Hatch
Oh yeah mom the things i fix to eat are.. haha
spaghetti, mac and cheese, hot dogs.. egg burritos, toasted sandwhich thing like from sonic.. laky like ramen noodle soup.. and hamb.. if anybody has some simple suggestions on good food yall can tell me so i dont have to eat the same thing all the time thatd be greatly appreciated :P haha ttyall later!!
Well today we had changes again!!! I have been out for almost five months now!! I am finally done with Elder Grant.. He was cool but he was sooo baggy towards the end and ready to go home.. i sent about 10 letters home with him cause i had a lot of left over us stamps that i cant use down here.. every sibling and mom and dad should get two photos hopefully before the end of this month.. Well that kid mom who went down to the peru ccm emailed his family and told them he gave the whettens my pic and they send their saludations or something like that.. Well after that hurricane came through last week it got pretty cold here for a few days.. not like cold cold but for guatemala cold.. it was nice and it rained a ton when that hurricane went through.. Haha oh yeah and mom i was confused in your last email cause you said kaylee.. i thought who is that.. but yeah kylee young.. thats crazy that its her family that helped yall out and we never realized that for so long.. yeah they are gonna miss me and ross cause we were some of the only cool guys in the ward.. haha but speaking of ross he is doing really well... he is training and district leader in his third change!! thats ridiculous to already be training let alone be a DL this early.. he is doing well though and i email him every once in a while.. the zls said i was gonna go up to senior comp this change but i didnt.. its ok though cause my comp is cool and i can tell he is gonna be hard worker and obedient..he is from here in guatemala so obviously he is a latino but he is cool.. he has 19 months in the mission but this should be a good change cause we both want to work hard and so we should have success if we do that and work with the spirit.. also itll help me out with my spanish so thatll be good.. Well my comp in the ccm and mtc that got sent of to polochic where you never come back in less then a year came to our house the other day to drop off pouch cause he had to come back to the capital cause his comp had a seizure.. he is doing good and it was super exciting to see him.. he is learning kekchi the mayan indian language stuff.. its pretty cool and its kind of like talking in clicks.. Well this last week i ate good for everyday for lunch.. we bought little caesars one day.. pollo campero.. chicken.. two days.. and then pizza from pizza hut thurs and fri.. and we split the cost so it wasnt too much.. it was pretty awesome to eat american good food for one week.. haha i guess thats kind of how we celebrated the forth since we really didnt do anything... also people give us tres leches.. the cake down here alot cause thats always what they make down here.. its pretty amazing.. Also i am reading our heritage in spanish but they talked about peter maughn who found cache valley.. i thought that was cool cause i know mom and dad that you know some maughns up there by gma and gpa coopers.. We did a noche hogar.. a family home evening last night and i was trying to think of something different we could do instead of just sharing a message so we did the pick your favorite hymn and say why its your favorite and a lil testimony then we sang two verses of each of them.. we did that in sac. meeting once and it was cool to use if for a fhe thing too and it worked well.. well one of my best buddies that came out of the ccm with me went home this morning cause he has a herniated disc in his back and couldnt work anymore.. he really should have come out with that but yeah he couldnt take it anymore so he went home to st george today.. it sucks cause he was one of my best friends out here and in my district for the first two changes.. if he gets help though and can go back out again they will send him to texas though in 3 mnths.. thatd be cool but i doubt his back will get better.. that has made me realize how much we take our health for granted sometimes.. especially out here on the mission.. everyday is a gift and anyday something could happen and you could be sent home.. I realized how much more i should be thankful to my Heavenly Father for the good health he has given me.. speaking of health kind of.. at change conference today i saw this kid that was taller then me in the ccm and now i am like the same heighth as him.. he was like are you getting taller.. well i must be! wooohooo!!! haha i am still growing a little bit.. Well i should get my camera back this week finally so i can send pics next week... dad your a dork with your geenie quote.. haha it made me laugh though.. i am glad yall made it up to utah safe and that yall had a good fourth of july.. well since i have been down here its really made me realize how fortunate we are in the states.. we have it sooo well there even with crappy barack obama as president.. we should be so thankful to live there.. here the govt doesnt do anything!! they dont pick up your garbage for free... the police force doesnt do crap so the gangs practically run some places... the water you cant drink it from the tap.. there arent garbage cans anywhere for the public so they just throw it in the street.. anyway what i am trying to get at is that we should be really thankful to be citizens of there and not take for granted all that we have been given.. i really took for granted soooo much stuff that was so simple before the mission that i wish i had now cause itd make life so much easier.. well i dont have to much more to say.. i am doing good though and am excited to get started on this change.. i think it will be a good six weeks and we will get a lot accomplished if we work hard and follow the spirit and are obedient.. well i know this church is true and can see it more and more every day.. the church and organization of it is perfect and the only way it could be like that is if somebody perfect created it.. thats one way i know this is really the Church of Jesus Christ.. well i hope everyone is doing well and email me when yall have time cause i love to hear from yall.. or if yall want to send me a real letter thatd be sweet too!! Thanks for everything!!
Elder Hatch
Oh yeah mom the things i fix to eat are.. haha
spaghetti, mac and cheese, hot dogs.. egg burritos, toasted sandwhich thing like from sonic.. laky like ramen noodle soup.. and hamb.. if anybody has some simple suggestions on good food yall can tell me so i dont have to eat the same thing all the time thatd be greatly appreciated :P haha ttyall later!!
June 28, 2001
I am doing well still and only have one more week left in this change!! thats good cause everyone in my house is baggy besides me.. i am ready for a new comp cause mine talks about home and lot and doesnt want to work and is supper slow now.. i only have one more week though.. he hasnt been too bad but it just keeps getting worse and i am ready for a change.. i am gonna send my comp home with him a stack of letters.. well pics with stuff written on the back for each of the siblings and for mom and dad.. so yall should get them sometime in july hopfully.. well we were teaching in a house the other day and they didnt have light so we could hardly see.. i heard something ontop of a cabinet.. i looked and no joke i saw about 20 coackroaches or however you spell it.. it was the most disgusting thing ever.. it sounded like a rat was on top of it shuffling the papers around.. but no.. it was a bunch of cockroaches and big ones too.. well mom youd be proud of me.. i ate stuff the other day covered in mayonese and onions.. and it wasnt too bad.. i am getting less picky day by day.. haha well i gave the opening prayer in sacrament meeting yesterday.. it was cool but we had two investigators that were suppose to come and we went by their houses and neither came.. the one lady we have been by about 5 sundays and she never comes even though she saids she will.. its hard to get people to church.. its kind of discouraging but i realize in the end that everyone has their own agency and can decide to do what they want.. and all we can do is invite them and pray for them and so it doesnt bother me too much but it still kind of sucks.. well next change i am pretty sure i will be here again in my area and i am gonna drop a lot of our old investigators and do alot of contacting to find new ones. cause some just arent progressing at all so i feel like we waste our time visiting them.. its gonna be hard to do though but.. maybe the seed has been planted in some of them for a later time though.. mom if yall can send me my juggling balls sometime thatd be cool.. me and Karr
Love yall.. and another thing.. my comp thinks that texas is one of the most prideful states.. haha i dont talk about it but hes heard other people.. haha well i talk about it a little maybe.. haha
Elder Uncle Brother Tyler Justin Hatch
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