Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Hola! Hey family first of all Sherrie and Brian I am sorry to hear about the situation with Maleah. My prayers are with yall and i will fast this sunday for yall. Everything happens for a reason and i know that at the time we have trials it is hard to see the purpose of it and sometimes even after. Just remember the Lords has His hand in all things and everything in the end is the way it needs to be. I love yall a lot and hope yall can have peace in yalls life whichever way this ends up turning out! My spanish is getting better now and i am learning a lot of new words and my grammar and conjugations are geting a lot better too! I can understand a lot! The baptisms went well.. I got to baptize the husband in the couple and it was obviously all in Spanish and he had four names but i did it! It was good but if i wouldnt have been so nervous I would have be able to focus and feel the spirit more! Mom would you send me a couple small pics of the wedding of sean and kellye with all of us!! Gracias! I went on splits with another elder who is just as far in the field as i am! It was fun we talk three lessons and got 25 contacts and it was fun! It rained that day and even though we had umbrellas with us we got completely soaked.. hence the reason i need money for boots! but thanks for putting more on my card.. i will get it out next time we go to the gas station and atm! thanks mom and dad! We made quesadillas and grilled cheese and pankakes while we were on exchanges.. it was a lot of fun.. then we have two new families that we are teaching and a couple other guys that have some potential.. hopefully we will have somebody else close to baptism before the next change... oh yeah and dad... i dont carry my wallet on me ever.. haha only like 10 queztzals which is a dollar and a quarter or so.. my favorite food here is dulce pan, chikys, and jalepeno chips.. sometime ill get a pic of all three and send it to yall.. oh yeah dad i find some puzzle grass and took a pic of it for you.. oh yeah thanks for the pics.. i want one of the bluebonnets in a package or something so i can put it in my album... but please put people in it.. haha thanks... well our schedule is wake up 630 work out eat shower and then 8 personal study 9 comp 10 lang.. and 11 proselyte till 1 ... 1-2 lunch and then proselyting till 8 and then ate come back and have dinner and plan and we are in the house for the rest of the night... its good though.. my comps name is elder garcia and hes from maragua nicaraugua and he speaks only a little spanish which is good.. my comp in the ccm got sent straight to polochic and will be learning kaichi.. haha that would be hard so i am glad its not me.. maybe after a year here id be up for that! haha whats up with the nba basketball playoffs... i dont want in depth detail.. just any crazy upsets or where the texas teams are in the playoffs! :) haha i eat at members houses and they give me weird fruit drinks and i had made it all the way until last night without arrigamortis and here is my story.. so yesterday in santa faz our area up on the heal.. the poorest of our area.. we taught a lesson and it was all good.. then we asked for water ... got some and it tasted like dirt.. then we left and joked about how nasty it was cause all of our water is in bottles and purified obviously cause the water here is bad outta the taps.. anyway then we had some other bad water later on in the day.. walking back to our house.. which has 3 lats and 3 nas and yeah it is nasty and i clean up after myself but the problem is everyone else doesnt.. i honestly didnt think i could handle it the second day.. but i am managing.. anyway back to the story so we were walking and both of our stomachs were hurting a little.. we had about half a mile to our house when i realized i thought i wouldnt make it.. my comp thought he couldnt either.. my stomach felt like it was gonna cramp up completely and it then it stop... then about 200 yards i told my comp in broken spanish that we had to run cause i wasnt gonna make it!!! so we did... i thought i was about to crap in my pants cause honestly i couldnt hold it in cause it hurt so bad.. some how i did though and thats the end of my story.. my first arrigamortis in guatemala.. a funny story but a scary one too:/ haha anyway if anybody has some advice on how to better feel the spirit and follow it i would like that.. and sean and shayne i still want the advice on comps that are tards.. hahah mine right now isnt but i know ill get stuck with one sometime... Well i have some pics for yall now.. . Oh yeah i like the emails but sometimes just do a dear elder.. mom and dad always do emails... but everyone else do email and throw in a dear elder if you want and ill email you back! its just good to sometimes get a letter to keep and read when i at the apartment and need a boost!! thanks a lot! I am soo excited to be a senior comp and eventually a leader and be able to teach everyone how to respect things that are give to us, work hard, and be obedient! i cant wait to lead people and help people become better missionaries by doing simple things and being obedient!!!!! cause theirs a lot of retards out there.. anyway i know this church is true and that joseph smith did see God and Jesus Christ.. this is not his church but theirs.. the same church established here and in Jerusalem during the time Christ was on the earth.. i love yall all so much and keep praying for me and ill do the same... also if yall send a package let me know so i can expect it!!! love yall!!!

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